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Music Classroom Supplies List

Submitted by Sarah Burns, Girard, Illinois

Idea posted 2004-06-18

I have always required all first through fourth grade students to have a folder and pencil for music class. These are brought to the music room at the first class, and the folder is sent home filled with songsheets/worksheets at the end of the year. The child's name and class name are put on each folder. The folders are stored by class in trays on a bookshelf, so they can be easily distributed when needed. At the end of each class, the pencils are collected and put into a pencil can.

Instead of begging for other supplies, I send each student home with a music room supplies list. This is what I ask from each grade level:

kindergarten: 1 large box of tissues

first grade: 1 box of quart-sized Ziploc bags

second grade: 1 box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags

third grade: 1 package of notebook paper

fourth grade: 1 package of Crayola Classic Markers

The use for the tissues is obvious. I use the Ziploc bags to make individual packets of manipulatives (craft/rhythm sticks, puzzle pieces, musical alphabet cards) or to keep games/visuals in. The notebook paper is used for writing exercises and is often cut to the size needed (i.e., not wasting a whole sheet when only 10 lines are needed). The markers are used for worksheets but not free time art projects.

The students often ask if these supplies will be sent home at the end of the year (like the folders). I tell them no, since the supplies are shared by all the students in the school and that they will be used up during the year. Most accept this readily. It is not uncommon for parents to bring in extra supplies or all the supplies to help out for those that are unable. I am always touched by this.

This supply list has already changed and will continue to change as I accumulate certain supplies or find I need for something else.

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