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Get America Singing Scavenger Hunt

Submitted by Gretchen Taylor, Illinois

Idea posted 2004-06-18

I just finished my list for a scavenger hunt using the Get America Singing (GAS) Vol. 1 books. I've included the page number for the correct answers. (Some clues could have more than one correct answer.)

1. Find a song with four verses. (page 34)
2. Find a song with "Home" but not "Green" in the title. (page 23)
3. Find a song written and composed by the same person. (page 33)
4. Find a song in 4/4 meter. (page 24)
5. Find a song about a tool. (page 28)
6. Find a song in French. (page 16)
7. Find an African American Spiritual. (page 36)
8. Find a song with words by Katherine Lee Bates. (page 9)
9. Find a song in 3/4 meter. (page 27)
10. Find a song about a boy. (page 29)
11. Find a song about a girl. (page 31)
12. Find a song associated with a summer sport. (page 43)
13. Find a Mexican folk song. (page 13)
14. Find a Japanese song. (page 37)
15. Find a song to be sung at a moderately slow tempo. (page 20)
16. Find a sea chantey song. (page 39)
17. Find a song with repeat signs but NOT first/second endings. (page 8)
18. Find a Hebrew song. (page 21)
19. Find a song that uses solfège. (page 14)
20. Find a song from a musical. (page 32)
21. Find a song with lots of dotted rhythms. (pages 10, 24, 22, 33)
22. Find a song to be sung as a round. (pages 30, 26, 37)
23. Find a song with NO eighth notes. (page 13)
24. Find a sad song. (page 40)
25. Find a happy song. (page 46)

I plan on using this with my fourth-sixth graders during our last class session.

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