Printed from the Idea Bank

Table Captains

Submitted by Linda L., Kentucky

Idea posted 2004-06-03

Here's a classroom management tip I've come to depend upon: To save time in passing out and taking up supplies, I've selected one sharp student from each table to be the "table captain." I also choose an "assistant captain" to help when needed or when the captain is absent. Captains are frequently called upon to help with passing out and taking up supplies, books, papers, etc. When school begins each year, students practice how to help quickly and quietly. When doing rowdy activites in class and students are getting out of hand, I occasionally call upon the captions. I tell them they're "on duty" and are to look for students showing good behavior. (I don't get tattle-tales that way.) Those misbehaving have extra eyes upon them, and they usually choose to settle down on their own. I frequently reward students with games for cooperation and participation. This helps save a tremendous amount of time over the course of a year.

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