Daisy Bell (A Bicycle Built For Two)

arr. Mike Wilson

This song, written by Harry Dacre in 1892 might be better known as "A Bicycle Built For Two." We've created a shorter version here using only the first verse and two choruses. You can find the other verses online along with many parody verses written while the song was popular. (A warning though, some may not be family friendly. Be sure to check them yourself first!)

This is a 3-part mixed version for your older groups. We used a traditional rhythm section and string orchestration for this arrangement. It might be a good idea to pull up a couple of YouTube videos to familiarize yourself with this barbershop quartet (trio in this case) style. The performance can be slightly vaudevillian in presentation. It can only add to the fun. Parts 2 and 3 can make as much as they want to out of the slurs starting in measure 25 and again in measure 33. A nice portamento might be just the ticket. Measure 41 begins the chorus your audience will recognize. Invite them to sing along. On the repeat of the chorus at measure 73, we break into a jazz waltz. It's not too much of a departure, but gives us an excuse to change up the harmonies a bit. If your part 1 singers can swing it, take the optional high divisi notes in bars 106 and 107 for a nice final ending.

To help with teaching the parts, we have isolated all three of them and put them on our web site. We have also created an a cappella version for inspiration or entertainment, as you like.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.