
by David & Anne Ellsworth

Every kid loves recess. It's all about personal time and choices with friends in an open space. Whether held outside or in, recess is about freedom for children to choose games and activities during the structured school day. Still in a safe environment, recess during the school day is also a time of growing self-awareness and worth.

Recess is also about being tested. Will we choose what we're taught about safety and civility when we're on our own?

This energetic rock song invites your kids to celebrate and appreciate this quality time. Simple, repetitive question/response lyrics and spoken words make this tune straightforward to learn and sing. To get an idea of how to say the spoken parts, let students listen to the performance of our kids on the CD. There's no "pretty" singing here either. Just let your kids be kids!

As always, Sandy Williams has done a stellar job of playing multiple passes of the most amazing rock guitar! Let your young air guitarists join him as students sing and move freely to this rocker.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.