Stranger Danger

by David & Anne Ellsworth

While this song was written primarily for younger students, it is certainly applicable to students of any age. Set in a minor rock mode, the melody is simple and memorable. Each time at measure 9, the verse is sung in unison. At measure 17, part 2 is rapped the first and third times, while part 1 is sung the second and third times. You may omit this division if you prefer, and assign one part or the other to your singers each time it occurs. When performing the rapped line, be sure to make note of the dynamic change from piano to forte.

During the guitar solos, there are opportunities for movement. Perhaps action that involves assertive posturing, such as hands on hips, then thrusting one hand forward with palm outward, and yelling out the word, "No!" would be effective. You could let one student begin the posture, then add another student afterwards in a predetermined number of beats. Another would follow, then another, and so on. It would be like a domino effect (similar to doing "the wave"). If you have enough time, you could go around the room more than once with this action.

Of course, the real power of this song is the message. The lyrics remind us that we can be strong in a situation that might be threatening by saying, "No!" or running away and keeping a distance from strangers. This is a subject that could be brought across the curriculum. Many schools already employ safety programs. Your addition of music to the program in your school would definitely be a valuable reinforcement. The sidebar below offers more pertinent information from the writers on this very important subject.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.